Aberrations (#I-V)

Photo Series


Installation view at NOME Gallery, Berlin, DE Photo: Gianmarco Bresadola (2018)

Aberrations is a series of images in which marine microorganisms are arranged alongside algae monocultures and chemical substances. Titled after a term used in biology and optics for defect or deviation from the norm, the images are composites made from raw footage of the film Reclaiming Vision.

The compositions zoom in on factors of local and global marine pollution, such as microplastics, oil spills, or sediments of pigments from industrial waste. Greatly enlarged, the photographic prints show aquatic life forms invisible to the human eye, yet highly affected by human activity.

Exhibition views Spoiled Waters Spilled, Manifesta 13 Parallèles du Sud, Ballet National de Marseille, FR photo: Jean-Christophe Lett (2020)

Collaboration with Toril Johannessen
Various dimensions, C-print on paper
Produced for Navigating Polarities, NOME, Berlin, 2018


Aberrations III (Composition with Algae and Dye), 150 x 120 cm.
Aberrations IV (Composition with Algae and Microplastics), 220 x 180 cm / 6 panels.
Aberrations V (Composition with Algae and Oil), 65 x 145 cm.