Animation, Printed Matter
Blue Marble is a digital animation that takes as its starting point an image so widely appropriated as to have been almost severed from its source. A photograph of Earth, alone in space, was shot in 1972 by the crew of the Apollo 17 and has subsequently changed our perception of the planet.
It has since provided a backdrop for countless acts of imaginative projection, being pressed into service through the production of thousands of symbols and logos representing the widest variety of activities, organizations, and political, social, or environmental causes. The animation consists of over 1,500 of such impositions onto the original iconic picture.
The accompanying poster edition The Face of The Earth was produced for a solo exhibition at IKON Gallery in Birmingham in 2011.
The Face of The Earth, poster edition, Marjolijn Dijkman, 2011
Blue Marble
Installed often high hidden into or projected onto the wall
Format: square format, 9:9, Full HD
Duration: 7:15 minutes
The soundtrack is a modified section of ‘Under Stars II’ from the Apollo Atmospheres & Soundtracks by Brian Eno, 1983
The Face of the Earth: A2 poster edition, 2011